Be-Grow Hydrogel Is Made Of Potassium-polyacrylate

An ORGANIC superabsorbent polymer (SAP) widely recognized for its effectiveness in water management and enhancing soil conditions for plant growth.

Potassium-Polyacrylate :

Composition: Potassium-polyacrylate is a superabsorbent polymer (SAP) composed  with potassium ions.

Function: It is primarily used as a water-absorbing material in agriculture, horticulture, and gardening. It can absorb and retain large amounts of water, releasing it slowly to plants over time. This helps in water conservation and improving soil moisture content, especially in dry conditions.

Application: Often used in drought-prone areas to reduce irrigation frequency and improve plant survival rates. It is commonly found in products like water-absorbing crystals used in soil amendments and hydrogels for plant growth enhancement.


Be-Grow® Boost M
Soil Additive for Yield Optimization – 20 kg Bag

Product Characteristics

  • 100% Free of Acrylamide
  • Enhances plant resilience to drought and abiotic stress
  • Helps prevent dry damage to fine roots and reduces watering intervals
  • Lowers costs by optimizing the use of essential nutrients and water
  • Technology designed to meet strict guidelines without drawbacks
  • Fine, flowable granules 
Be-Grow® Boost M is particularly effective in enhancing the availability of water and nutrients in soils, creating quality substrates for container plants, and minimizing maintenance work for gardening, landscaping, and cemetery plant care providers. It’s an excellent choice for gardening and landscaping professionals who need to deliver reliable, cost-effective services, even during dry summers. Earthworks operators also appreciate Be-Grow® Boost M for its role in the economical production of high-quality professional substrates.

Its ion-pumping properties boost the availability of nutrients and water to plants across a range of substrates. The effectiveness of Be-Grow® Boost M has been confirmed through hundreds of field trials worldwide, involving various soil types, climates, and plant species over more than a decade, in collaboration with practical partners.

Composition :

Primarily Potassium Polyacrylate

Recommended Use:

Mix 3 g of Be-Grow® Boost M with one liter of plant substrate (soil, coconut fibers, wood fibers, rock wool) along with the appropriate fertilizer. For larger quantities of substrate, Be-Grow® Boost can be incorporated as needed using most soil mixing equipment available in Germany. Use the mixed substrate as usual.

Storage Instructions

  • Keep the material in a dry area, away from moisture and sunlight. Store out of reach of children and animals. Not intended for consumption.

Be-Grow® Boost L
Optimize Your Soil for Maximum Yield – 20 kg Bag

  • Free from acrylamide
  • Enhances plant strength and resilience against drought and environmental stress
  • Lowers costs by optimizing the use of essential nutrients and water
  • Technology designed to meet stringent regulations without drawbacks
  • Compatible with standard agricultural equipment
  • Potential for yield increases of up to 50%

Product Characteristics

Professional vegetable growers are aware that modern farming presents unprecedented challenges. Unpredictable and extreme weather, fluctuating market prices, and stringent regulations on pest control and fertilizer use all place considerable pressure on farmers. Be-Grow® Boost L offers an ideal solution for vegetable growers seeking to enhance yield and profitability sustainably year after year.

Its ion-pumping properties improve the availability of nutrients and water to plants. The benefits of Be-Grow® Boost L have been validated through hundreds of field trials worldwide, across various soil types, climates, and vegetable types, conducted over more than a decade in collaboration with practical partners.


Primarily Potassium Polyacrylate

Recommended Use:

Add Be-Grow® Boost L to the soil along with fertilizer before planting or sowing. For best results, use standard fertilizer spreaders. To maximize yield, apply Be-Grow® Boost L in the planting furrow near seeds or young plants to support the development of initial root growth.

Be-Grow® Boost L can be incorporated with fertilizer directly into the planting furrow below the planting row or placed to the side of the planting furrow, slightly below the planting row.

Recommended Dosage

  • Special Crops (e.g., potato, cabbage, carrot, asparagus, lettuce, herbs, melon, strawberry): 20 kg/ha
  • Field Crops (e.g., soy, sunflower, sugar beet, cereals): 15 kg/ha

Storage Instructions

  • Keep in a dry place, protected from moisture and sunlight. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Not intended for consumption.

Be-Grow® Boost M Forestry Gel
Soil Additive for Yield Optimization – 20 kg Bag

Product Characteristics

  • 100% Free of Acrylamide
  • Significantly reduces replanting costs
  • Helps prevent dry damage to fine roots and decreases watering intervals
  • Minimizes stress during transport (use as root dipping)
  • Meets funding requirements for tree planting with improved growth rates, especially in challenging locations
  • Lowers costs through efficient use of nutrients and water
  • Reduces plant protection costs by promoting healthier trees
  • Ensures survival of tree seedlings even in extremely dry summers
  • Makes summer plantings feasible
Be-Grow® Boost M Forestry Gel enhances the availability of nutrients and water to trees through its water storage capacity and ion-pumping properties. Especially during the critical first 1.5 years, it supports the development of a robust and deep root system, ensuring long-term nourishment even during dry periods.

The benefits have been validated in plantations and reforestation projects worldwide, across various soil types, climate zones, and tree species, in collaboration with practical partners and universities.


Primarily potassium polyacrylate

Recommended Use:

Mix 1 kg of Be-Grow® Boost M forestry gel powder concentrate with 50 liters of water and allow it to swell. The gel is ready when it becomes evenly semi-transparent. Mix manually if needed.

  • Gel Root Dipping: Within 2 minutes of removing the roots from the soil, coat them evenly with the swollen forestry gel and set aside for transport. For longer transport periods, replenish the gel layer with water if necessary.

  • Tree Planting: Pour 2 liters of swollen forestry gel into each planting hole. Prepare the hole to the appropriate depth, cover the gel with a thin layer of soil, and place a fertilizer tablet if desired. Plant the tree and fill the hole with soil to encourage increased growth.

Storage Instructions

Store in a dry location, away from moisture and sunlight. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Not intended for consumption.




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